Insurance for the Active

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Insurance for the active

At Beaches Financial Planners, we specialise in personal insurances that covers you for adventurous sports and activities. Sports such as surfing, snow skiing, snowboarding, mountain biking and rock climbing all carry additional risks. We understand the risks in these sports as we enjoy them too.

Many people are unaware that most standard insurance policies do not cover you for injuries incurred during high-risk activities and more importantly may not cover your position at work that you are educated, trained or experienced to do. This is particularly true if you are holding your insurances through a standard employer-sponsored super fund.

Income Protection, Total & Permanent Disability Insurance, Trauma and Life Insurance are types of insurance cover that provide support to you and your family when the unexpected happens.

At Beaches Financial Planners, we will review your existing insurance policies and ensure you have the right policies to suit you and your families individual needs.

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